Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Sorry, you won't find any video of me with dripping eyeliner sobbing into my webcam about the media's treatment of The Late Show host, and my late night buddy friend David Letterman. When you live a public life, you live through public criticism and the redundant 24-hour news cycle obsession. That being said, I have no pity for Mr. Letterman. However, I can't help but feel like he's not the sleeziest person involved in all of this. Not by far. First of all, let's remember that Dave broke the news himself ahead of his grand jury testomony in the extortion case, of which (if true) he is a victim. I read a quote this morning from the lawyer of the former CBS producer accused of trying to extort Bucktooth Davey that read something like "David Letterman is a master of manipulating audiences." Yeah, like Jay Leno is a master of hiding the fact that he's a douche bag (get it? because he's not). It's quotes like that that are supposed to feed into our sick celebrity fantasies that there is something much more sinister and deviant going on. The kind of stuff that comes up in a Google search when you accidentally type an extra letter or two.

Look, I'm not going to say that just because I regularly watch The Late Show means that I know David Letterman, or know his personality well enough to say that he didn't do anything wrong here. But I do know that Dave has always kept his family life close to the chest, and the rare glimpses of it that we've seen over the years have been nothing short of endearing. Whether it's an anecdote about his son Harry or his recovery from bypass surgery, or a moment of serious pause during his show to vent his frustrations about the energy crisis or climate change, you can't help but feel like deep down Dave's a good guy.

Besides, we don't know a thing about his relationship with his now wife, whom he dated for 15 years and has 5-year-old son with. It could very well be that they had some sort of open relationship. Just because he went on the air last night and apoligized to her doesn't mean she had a problem with it. According to his people, these affairs all took place before the marriage. Once again, who knows.

I guess my whole point in writing this is IF YOU MEDIA WHORES GO SO FAR AS TO GET DAVID LETTERMAN KICKED OFF TELEVISION FOR THIS THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY. That's right, I am currently assembling an armada of angry letters so massive, CBS will be forced to shut down production to read and respond to each one. Don't make me do it.

1 comment:

  1. I love Dave as much as the next guy, but as he's getting up there in years maybe he should bow out gracefully now on his own terms. This seems to be a growing theme with his omnipresence in the media. He's gonna be another souless celebrity soon enough whose has been exploited to the brink and never wants to give anyone happiness ever again.
