Saturday, September 26, 2009

Things I can talk about now that Vince is asleep.

Two things are really bothering me tonight. First of all I had an excellent start to my Octoberfest which I decided I should start celebrating because everyone should start celebrating a holiday whenever they want. (My grandma would be thrilled) I have some excellent Oktoberfest beer and braunweiner but this is not what concerns my now. I return home to find two very distressing stories come to my attention.

Number 1. A spider crawled on the Pope's face and nobody did anything about it.

If I knew a spider was somewhere within 15 feet of me I would be creeped out but this spider is crawling on the dude's face and everyone in the room is too polite to swat it off him or anything. It could have been made of poison. I desperately want to avoid the obvious joke here about how the Pope is ever so continuously resembling a corpse but.. oh wait I just did.


I'm terrible at posting links but to sum this story up a baby in Paraguay was born 16 weeks prematurely and pronounced dead only to wake up at it's funeral. Now it's one of those interesting weird but true stories but here's my problem. A baby rises from the dead in Paraguay and I find out on What a world. And they say Canada ain't good for nothing. (I did not say that. Canada is responsible for many excellent things such as the Barenaked Ladies, one Arcade Fire album, Mike Myers pre-2000, maple syrup, hockey and Jim Carey.)

PS Totally said wiener in there.

- Justin

EDIT I totally forgot that Canada is also responsible for Neil Young and Rush.

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